One thing I am doing in an effort to be more organized and "Get It Right" is menu planning. For many years I basically thumbed my nose at menu planning. It is the one section of the Flylady plan that has been making me go, "Ehhhh, I don't know about that..." (Well, ok that and the lace up shoe bit. I don't think many people under 40 are going to do that no matter what Flylady says.) But not doing these type of organizational methods have not been working out too well for me. So in an effort to get different results due to different actions, menu planning is being put into effect.
I'm posting to the Menu Plan Monday over at "I'm an organizing junkie."
Monday ~ Veggie & beef stew, beer bread, squash & potaotes, blackberry cobbler
Tuesday ~ Applewood smoked turkey breast tenderloin, mashed potatoes, le sueur peas, any leftovers from tonight's beer bread
Wednesday ~ Potluck @ church, I only have to bring chips
Thursday ~ Garlic chicken, yellow saffron rice, pickled beets, crescent rolls
Friday ~ Order out
Saturday ~ Grilled Boar's Head beef franks, chips, potato salad
Your menu sounds great. I just did my first menu plan via Orgjunkie 3 weeks ago, and really, after the first week of doing it and shopping for it, it goes very quickly now. It's like you become an expert overnight. The savings in time, stress, and cash is well worth it!
I never understood the Flylady's stance on shoes either. But, I thought we had an escaped hermit crab this morning and I immediately wished I had shoes one!
Menu planning gets easier every week :) I'm amazed at how much more efficient I am with a plan. Plus the savings at the grocery store! Shopping for a specific set of meals is a great cost-savings :)
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