For lack of a better word. It's just one of those days where the energy is low and my stomach feels....well, the way only a woman's stomach can feel sometimes if you know what I mean. So I am purposely taking it easy today. I have cross stitch swap items which need to be finished so I am going to work on those. I'm sure I can have them done before day's end. I have a really big 'Dinner on the Grounds' event that I am helping with in a couple of weeks and I need to plan my menu items and grocery lists for that. Other than that I think I'll spend some time playing the Wii with my kids.
A slow and easy does it kind of day. A "Lady Day."
hope your day went well. we sometimes need these don't we. I call mine jammies day!
Oh yes, I totally get the need for a "Lady Day". Hope you enjoyed yours. Ooohhh.. cross stitch swap.. that sounds neat.
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